Hair Ball in Young Girl's Stomach

[postlink][/postlink] [starttext]A bezoar is a mass found trapped in the gastrointestinal system (usually the stomach), though it can occur in other locations.
There are several varieties of bezoar, some of which have inorganic constituents and others organic.

Trichobezoar is a bezoar formed from hair - an extreme form of hairball. Humans who frequently consume hair sometimes require these to be removed. The Rapunzel syndrome, a very rare and extreme case, may require surgery. A trichobezoar in the trachea is called a tracheobezoar.

Other Types by content
Food boli (singular, bolus) imitate true bezoars and are composed of loose aggregates of food items such as seeds, fruit pith, or pits as well as other types of items such as shellac, bubble gum, soil, and concretions of some medications.

Pharmacobezoars (or medication bezoars) are mostly tablets or semi-liquid masses of drugs. Normally found following overdose of sustained release medications.

Phytobezoars are composed of nondigestible plant material (e.g., cellulose) and are frequently reported in patients with impaired digestion and decreased gastric motility.

Diospyrobezoar is a bezoar formed from unripe persimmons. Coca-Cola has been used in the treatment.[Reference/Read more: Wikipedia]


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